In 2014, together with several important musicians from the Progressive Roman rock scene (Fholks, Reale Accademia di Musica, Raccomadata Con Ricevuta di Ritorno, Saint Just, L'Uovo di Colombo), we breathed life into a new/old supergroup P.I.S., which is an acronym for Progressive Italy Supergroup.

P.I.S. is an acronym for this old/new super group of progressive 1970s Italian rock, which is essentially Roman. It means Progressive Italy Super-band. In Italian PIS is pronounced in the same way as the word ‘peace’ in English -- Guido Bellachioma

P.I.S. is Jenny Sorrenti, Luciano Regoli, the Volpini brothers, Ruggero Stafani and Pericle Sponzilli.




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